Egg Donors
Egg Donors
Egg Donors

Help others by becoming an egg donor in California.

Egg Donors
Egg Donors

Who can become an egg donor?

A woman between the age of 21-30, with a BMI lower than 30 and ideally with some type of higher education after high school is the ideal candidate to donate her eggs. This process will not affect your future fertility or egg count. The average woman in her twenties has hundreds of thousands of viable eggs.

Egg Donors
Egg Donors

Surrogate births annually in the US

Egg Donors
Egg Donors

Our process.

01 Application

– Complete full egg donor application and provide information about yourself, things like your health history, level of education and your hobbies.

– Upload current photos and a video.

02 Screening

– Screening call with Stork Baby team.

– Get ready to be matched!

03 Match

– Your profile appears on our database for Intended Parents.

– If you’re selected, you’ll have a Zoom call with the potential intended parents.

– Psychological evaluation.

– Complete medical screening at IPs’ fertility clinic.

– Negotiate egg donor legal contract.

– The IVF clinic will do the medical screening and when cleared, the donor and intended parents will do the legal contracts with the attorneys.

05 Medications and Egg Retrieval

– Receive cycle schedule from IVF Clinic.

– Begin medications and injections.

– Attend local monitoring appointments.

– Travel to IVF clinic for retrieval.

– Receive compensation.

Meet our founder, Cassandra Soars.

Want more information?​